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Dear Reader, We have created this blog as a project for school, and we intend on updating with the most current news updates in the organic food industry.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Rachel's Interview

I interviewed my friend Steph. She is currently a student at Franklin Pierce, also studying education.
She and I feel very similar when it comes to current issues.  I know when interviewing her, she would feel very strongly about whichever side she was for. Below summarizes my interview with Steph.

Do you think the topic of organic foods is an issue?
"I do feel the topic of organics is a very hot topic for 2011/2012.  I think a lot of it has to do with the media.  We witness rich families on reality TV shows and their diets, and it has affected it's viewers.  Whether that is a good of bad thing is up to the individual.   The main issue I have as a supporter of organics, is not knowing what is qualified as organic.  What does it take for something to be organic? The whole labeling issue as well.  They need to stick with one protocol."
Do you think others in our community this is an important problem? why/ why not?
"I don't really feel this is a problem in our community specifically, or not so much that is has affected too many.  I think the problem is not enough people caring about what they're eating.  Sending your kids to school with pop tarts(processed) and sunny D (fake orange) is NOT proper nutrition for todays youth. Parents should be educated on the topic, as well as students.  They're not, and that's the problem."
What policy, if any, does government now have to deal with this problem?
"I don't recall any policies off the top of my head.  I know there is something.  But I do know that the problem with organics and the government is that it's not specific.  There is no law as to what is organic?  They slap a label on something and we believe it.  Very disturbing."
What are advantages of this policy? 
 "I think the policy is pretty vague.  There really aren't too many advantages to it."
What are disadvantages of this policy? How can it be changed?
"Where do I start?  I think McDonald's could get away with saying their food is organic at this point.  There needs to be more specific guidlines and they need to be reinforced. "
Where can I get more information about this problem and the different positions people take on this problem?
"I'm sure google will bring you to the right source.  I am assuming USDA or FDA would have the specific guidelines. But it's also fun to read other peoples blogs to find out the latest news in organics."

Steph directed me to the website.  It's an article we both found repulsive.

Top 10 Reasons
to Avoid Processed Foods (source:Huffington Post)

CEO and Chairman of Rodale, Inc. and book author
by guest blogger Tyler Graham, coauthor of The Happiness Diet
1: Deciphering food label ingredients leads to unappetizing results. Take the innocuous-soundingcastoreum, which is used to enhance the flavor of puddings, candies, and some frozen dairy desserts. You might be surprised to know that it’s derived from beavers–beaver anal glands, specifically.
2: Many foods get their red coloring–”carmine”–from ground-up insect shells that can cause severeallergic reactions in some people.
3: The greater the number of cheap cuts of meat ground into a single patty, the greater the risk of contamination with E. coli. A standard fast-food burger contains the trimmings of dozens of cows raised around the globe.
4: According to research from UCLA, it takes only two months to lower levels of brain chemicals responsible for learning and memory (like BDNF) on a steady diet of processed foods.
5: Processed food is only as good as its packaging: In the summer of last year, Kellogg’s recalled 28 million boxes of cereal because a compound in the box lining (the company wouldn’t say what) was giving off a foul smell and tainting the taste of the boxed food.
6: The same company that makes metal detectors for airports also sells them to food manufacturers, who use the devices to test processed meats for stray wires, metal shards, and hypodermic needles.
7: The ingredients list for Strawberry Fruit Roll-Ups doesn’t include…strawberries.
8: Animal feed given to factory-farmed cows contains rendered roadkill and euthanized cats and dogs, as well as plastic pellets as a cheap form of “roughage.”
9: There are more than 80 ingredients in one Oscar Mayer Lunchables Breaded Chicken and Mozzarella sandwich.
10: The FDA allows 19 maggots and 74 mites in a three-and-a-half-ounce can of mushrooms.


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